F.A.Q (Frequently asked questions)
WHAT IS your business days ?
Our standard business days are Monday - Saturday.
We are closed on Sundays, and major holidays.
Our standard business days are Monday - Saturday.
We are closed on Sundays, and major holidays.
How do you deliver the
We usually use .zip or .rar file compression to reduce the size, and we will send the final files directly to your email address
We usually use .zip or .rar file compression to reduce the size, and we will send the final files directly to your email address
Who owns the copyright?
Copyright of the final work is yours. You can use it in any offline or online media.
Copyright of the final work is yours. You can use it in any offline or online media.
How do I pay for my product
purchases ?
We use Paypal for transactions and this is what most people use.
purchases ?
We use Paypal for transactions and this is what most people use.